New Customers : Our minimum ShiverSticks order is 4 cases. A discounted freight price is offered for orders with a minimum of 8 cases, or a combined total of $500 of ShiverSticks and Sweet Shop Items. Please make credit card payment arrangements in advance before your order is processed. Terms may be extended after a credit application has been submitted, verified and approved by Sweet Shop USA. Allow 21 business days to complete the process.


If your business is less than 5 years old, you must prepay or have a valid credit card for payment. Always have your account number available when placing orders or corresponding with us. Minimum for each reorder is $250.00.


All orders placed by Wednesday at noon will ship the following Monday. Exceptions for Holidays.For ASAP orders, please call 800-222-2269 and our customer service representatives can check our onhand stock for each item your wish to order and can offer instock alternatives for any items not immediately available to ship.


Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover are accepted, provided a Credit Card Authorization Form signed by the cardholder is on file. Customers in business 5 years or more may apply for terms by completing a credit application or supplying their DUN & BRADSTREET number (DUNS NUMBER). Past-due accounts will be assessed 1.5% interest per month, beginning the 31st day following the invoice date. Should the account go to collections, you will be responsible for all collections fees and associated costs, including attorney’s fees. A $50.00 service charge will be assessed for all returned checks and/or disputed valid credit card charges. Prices are subject to change without notice.


To ensure the quality of ShiverSticks upon arrival, all shipments must be unpacked immediately upon receipt and placed in a freezer. Any product damage, including but not limited to leakage, broken ShiverSticks, or ShiverSticks that arrive warm to the touch, must be reported to Sweet Shop USA Customer Service within 24 hours of delivery. In addition, to reporting to our customer servie within 24 hours, an inspection performed by our sales representative or photos sent to Sweet Shop USA when possible. Failure to adhere to these handling and reporting guidelines may void eligibility for replacement or refund. Any visible damage to exterior of package recieved in shipment requires a written acknowledgement from Federal Express or UPS when possible. You must inform our Customer Care department within 48 hours and keep ALL packaging and related materials. Do not return any items without a Return Material Authorization Number issued by our Customer Care department. Without this RMA #, a 20% restocking fee will be charged for all refused orders, as well as all returns that were shipped in accordance with the customer’s instructions. If you are requesting a replacement, you will need to put that on existing or future order that is $250, or we will refund the damages.

Non-Delivered Shipments:

On occasion, there will be shipments that cannot be delivered for reasons that include: business not open, closed or moved (carrier will not forward), incorrect address, unavailability of a person or refusal to accept delivery, natural disasters, public safety restricted zones, and carrier error. If Sweet Shop USA is at fault for failing to adhere to the criteria on the Confirmation Order, we will assume all product and freight cost that relate to our error. If Sweet Shop USA is NOT at fault and adhered to the instructions on the Order Confirmation, the customer assumes all costs related to the order, plus an additional charge of $25.00. Due to the perishable nature of our products, Sweet Shop USA is responsible for the First Delivery Attempt Only. No P.O. Boxes may be used for shipping. No C.O.D. Shipments.

Freight Charges:

Our primary carriers are FedEx and UPS, and all shipments are FOB Mt. Pleasant, TX. For shipments to the 48 contiguous United States, freight charges are a percentage of your order, if $500.00 or more. All orders less than $500 will be charged 18% freight. Customers requiring Air Service (Next Day, 2nd Day, and 3rd Day) will be charged FedEx or UPS published rates, to be determined at the time of shipment. Customers providing their own FEDEX or UPS numbers for third party shipping will be charged a handling fee of $10 per shipping box. All freight rates are subject to change at any time without notice.